The Gee Gee Rugwash Points League table is now updated with the Townfoot results. With just two Points League events left in the season, at Brechin and Strathallan, there are still lots of competitors with a chance of winning their league!

* Despite being pipped by “SCDA Competitor Number 1” at Townfoot, Alan is sitting pretty in the Single Horse league thanks to Ian’s mishap (ahem) at Hopetoun, while Grace’s harness nightmare last weekend may have scuppered her chances for glory. However, Grace, Elinor B and Ruth each still have a slim mathematical chance of winning.
* Shona is having a great season and has a big lead in the Single Pony league, but Patsy can still catch her. Remember, only the best 5 scores for each competitor in each league will be counted.
* Similarly, Hamish has a clean sweep so far in the Pairs league but Margo is ready to pounce if he slips up. Elimination from an event means zero points, so all competitors must stay focused!
* The Club Novice league is wide open – anyone who competes at Brechin and Strathallan could win!
* Ellie and Cathy are unstoppable in the Young Driver and VSE classes, but the Gateway Newcomers class is very competitive. Don’t forget that the Strathallan Event has added the Gateway class to its schedule, so even if you are not competing at Brechin, all Gateway Newcomers can go for glory in our final outdoor event of the season!
Our thanks, as always, go to Ian Bertram and Gee Gee Rugwash for sponsoring our SCDA Points League. No excuses for having dirty rugs, people! 🙂