SCDA Safeguarding Policy

SCDA has adopted the British Equestrian “Safeguarding Equestrian Sport” policy, which is available for download

SCDA is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for children, young people and adults at risk. Whether involved in Competitions or any other Events organised by SCDA, including activities such as training and coaching events, courses, assessments and professional development days, all these participants have a right to be safe and protected from harm.

It is important that all members of SCDA read, understand and implement the key principles of safeguarding as set out in the BEF policy and should apply that policy itself as far as they can. As part of this, the Directors of SCDA have appointed an officer within the club to be the safeguarding lead and has notified British Carriagedriving who that is.

This is because:

  • Developments in safeguarding good practice regularly take place and these need to be implemented at club level by awareness and training, including through regular training of all those in the club to varying degrees, depending on the work they do for the club. British Carriagedriving will help keep all nominated safeguarding leads up to date.
  • British Carriagedriving can give assistance to the nominated safeguarding lead in the event that there is concern about specific individuals or circumstances.

The SCDA Safeguarding Lead is Jane Isaac. Email address

The British Carriagedriving Safeguarding Lead is:
Suzanna Anslow, Oak Hill, Littleworth Road, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey. GU10 1JW. Email address:

Suzanna covers safeguarding at National and Club level and will be happy to discuss any queries regarding referrals, training matters or issue of concerns.