SCDA advice regarding Equine Flu vaccinations

Updated for 2023

In 2023 all BC events will follow the FEI ‘flu vaccination’ rule

The following SCDA Events will also comply with FEI rules and require a 6 month booster given within a period of 6 months (+ 3 weeks), but not within 7 days prior to event arrival.

  • Training events at Seacliff, The Pines, and Townfoot
  • Dunbog
  • Hopetoun (both events)
  • Townfoot

However, the following venues will only require annual vaccinations:

  • Brechin
  • Cardross
  • Cothal
  • Coxhill
  • Pitscandly
  • Strathorn/Lourin

effective 1st January 2023
Article 1003
Equine Influenza Vaccination Requirements

  1. All proprietary Equine Influenza vaccines are accepted by the FEI, provided the route of administration complies with the manufacturer’s instructions (i.e. intramuscular injection or intranasal).
  2. An initial Primary Course of two vaccinations must be given; the second vaccination must be administered within 21-92 days of the first vaccination.
  3. The first booster must be administered within 7 calendar months following the date of administration of the second vaccination of the Primary Course.
  4. Any Horse receiving a new Primary Course as of 1 January 2024 must be vaccinated as follows:
    • V1 (initial vaccination);
    • V2 (second vaccination) must be administered 21-60 days after V1; and
    • V3 (first booster) must be administered within 6 months and 21 days of V2.
  5. Subsequent Booster vaccinations must be administered at a maximum of 12-month intervals however Horses competing in Events must have received a booster within 6 months +21 days (and not within 7 days) before arrival at the Event.
  6. Horses may compete 7 days after receiving the second vaccination of the primary course.
  7. Horses that have received the Primary Course prior to 1 January 2005 are not required to fulfil the requirement for the first booster, providing there has not been an interval of more than 12 months between each of their subsequent annual booster vaccinations.

Dunbog event – general information for competitors (updated 14/4/2022)

Running Order for Sunday 17th April 2022
Open Pony / FEI 2*
1 Susan Don10:00
2 Patsy Muir Simpson10:10
Novice Pony / BC Novice Test
3 Jane Squirrell10:20
4 Vicki Largue10:30
5 Wendy Scott10:40
6 Jade Christie10:50
7 Laura Chaffe11:00
8 Rachel Stewart11:10
15 min break
Pony Pairs / Test 2
9 Ian Gilbert11:35
10 Hamish Reid11:45
Small Pony / Test 2
11 Sasha Crookston11:55
Open Pony / Test 2
12 Heather Reid12:05
13 Pam MacArthur12:15
14 Janet Pilling12:25
25 min break
Multiples / Test 2
15 Sanchia May13:00
16 Margo Smith13:10
Open Horse / Test 2
17 Lyndsey Brown13:20
Open Horse / FEI 3*
18 Ian Bertram13:30

Kindly PRINT your own competitor number in a LARGE and LEGIBLE format.

Anyone on a carriage (i.e. groom as well as driver) must wear hard hats in the cones (and will not be penalised for also wearing hard hats in the dressage).

Don’t forget you must also be wearing hard hats and body protectors for the marathon obstacles.

Please also note that you may take a break in between dressage/cones and the marathon obstacles and are not required to do all 3 phases altogether.

1] The format of the event will be dressage at your scheduled time, followed by the cones and obstacles. There is no allotted time for you to complete the cones and obstacle phases. However, please be courteous to the event organiser and your fellow competitors ensuring that there is an even flow of competitors through the cones and obstacle phases. It is suggested that competitors do dressage followed by cones.

2] Grooms can stand through all phases if they wish.

3] For anyone who wishes, horses / ponies can be led through the water without carriages attached, prior to the event proper.

4] There is no grazing at Dunbog and the owners ask that we respect this

5] No carriages and animals are to be taken along past the Stable buildings to save stress on competing ridden horses. Competitors should use the long way around track.

6] We will post numbers and running order a few days before on the this website. Please would entrants print out their own numbers.

7] We start at 10.00am on Sunday morning

8] Due to the amount of horses around, any dogs must be fully under control at all times.

Event Schedules 2022

Please find below the schedules for events in 2022. You can also find the schedules by visiting our Events Listing page and clicking on the blue links on the right hand side of the page.

These are all PDF files – if you have any problems opening or reading the files, please send me an email ( and I’ll take a look. Thanks!

Dunbog – 17th April (revised 20/3/2022 – correction to dressage test options)
Cardross – 7th/8th May
Hopetoun (1) – 27th-29th May
Cothal – 11th June
Seacliff – 2nd/3rd July
Hopetoun (2) – 30th/31st July (amended 12/7/2022)
Lourin Fair – 13th/14th August
Townfoot – 20th/21st August
Coxhill – 16th October

Please use the SCDA 2022 Entry Form (v4 – revised 8/6/2022) – you can download it by clicking on this link.

Ardmedden Indoor Events 2022

Please find the schedule for the Ardmedden Indoor Events here. The entry form should be sent to Victoria Moore – see schedule for details.

Update: Please use the SCDA 2022 entry form (v4) – if you’ve already entered using the indoor events entry form, no need to resend!


Results for the Ardmedden Spring Events are now available on the Indoor Carriagedriving website: